J Magn Reson Imaging. 2022 Oct 31. doi: 10.1002/jmri.28509
A. Lavielle, F. Boux, J. Deborne, et al.
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Theranostic AGuIX nanoparticles as radiosensitizer: A phase I, dose-escalation study in patients with multiple brain metastases (NANO-RAD trial)
Radiother Oncol., 2021, 160, 159-165.
C. Verry, S. Dufort, J. Villa, et al.
Targeting brain metastases with ultrasmall theranostic nanoparticles, a first-in-human trial from an MRI perspective
Science Advances, 2020, 6, eaay5279.
C. Verry, S. Dufort, B. Lemasson, et al.
Treatment of multiple brain metastases using gadolinium nanoparticles and radiotherapy: NANO-RAD, a phase I study protocol
BMJ Open, 2019, 9, e023591.
C. Verry, L. Sancey, S. Dufort, et al.